Saturday, 26 March 2011 / Published in Blog
Şebeke Transmisyon Yönetimi NET-TRANS Günümüzde Telekomünikasyon hizmet sağlayıcılaranın transmisyon verilerinin doğru envanter kayıtlarının tutulması ve planlanması ile düşürülebilecek olan yüksek ekipman ve işçilik maliyetleri sözkonusudur. Bunun yanında, Telekomünikasyon işletmecileri şebeke yatırımlarını etkin bir şekilde, daha cazip fiyatlar sunabilecek şekilde yapmalıdırlar. Güvenilir, şebeke transmisyon otomasyon, planlama ve envanter çözümleri gereklidir. Bu açıdan, telekomünikasyon piyasasının artan ihtiyaçlarıyla
Wednesday, 02 February 2011 / Published in Blog
TTG International Ltd. a global supplier of Operations Support Systems (OSS) to communications service providers announced today that it has been chosen by Ericsson in Turkey, to provide the Fault Management solution for the TRNC’s state telecom operator’s NGN network. NGN network covers Ericsson’s , ADSL, SDH, DWDM, Access, IP-DSLAM, microwave and WIFI. The project
Wednesday, 24 November 2010 / Published in Blog
TTG Int. LTD continues to contribute to Turkey’s technological accumulation by reaching the final of the 9th Technology Awards. It was announced to the public with the participation of TÜBİTAK President Prof. Dr. Nüket Yetiş, TTGV Board Chairman Dr. Fikret Yücel, and TÜSİAD Board Chairman Ümit Boyner at a press conference held on November 24,
Wednesday, 29 September 2010 / Published in Blog
TTG has been chosen by Huawei to develop Snmp middleware for integrate Turkish Telekom’s Alcatel and ZTE DSLAM network to Huawei’s N2510 DSLAM Network management system. Turkish Telekom DSLAMs network consists of Huawei, Alcatel and ZTE DSLMs and size of the network is about 6,000,000 ports.
Wednesday, 14 July 2010 / Published in Blog
Now you can fined TTG Int. LTD’s  Tele-Traffic Mate free application in iPhone. TTG Int. LTD has donated this application for the Tele-Traffic engineers and NOC operation people all over the world. Enjoy it. Down load  link;
Sunday, 20 June 2010 / Published in Blog
TTG International Ltd. a global supplier of Oss to Telco service providers, has launched renewed Fault Management product, the FAMAN V2.00. The new release features a next generation Oss tools with trouble ticket integer that leverages the new Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 technology to enable the most efficient network management. The products are redesigned to handle the intensive usage
Wednesday, 12 May 2010 / Published in Blog
NORTH-I   Managing a wireless network has always been a balancing act: operating at maximum efficiency while maintaining competitive quality of service (QoS); deploying capacity where and when needed as traffic increases and making the most of the frequency spectrum whilst avoiding interference. NORTH-I is the solution of selection for communications providers across the world,
Thursday, 08 April 2010 / Published in Blog
Wednesday, 13 January 2010 / Published in Blog
Huawei, Vodafone Türkiye’nin Single-RAN (2G) şebekesinin performans ölçüm ve yönetimi için, TTG Uluslararası’nın NORTH-I çözümünü seçti. NORTH-I, Vodafone Türkiye tarafından Multi Vendor 2G, 2.5G ve 3g (2G ve 3g Huawei,T2000, 2g ve 3g Nokia, Motorola, NEC) performans mühendisliği için kullanılacak. NORTH-I’ın Vodafone Türkiye’ye şebeke Ölçümleme, şebeke Performansı Optimizasyonu, şebeke izleme ve Performans Bildirim hizmetlerini tek bir platform üzerinden sağlayacak. NORTH-I tarafından oluşturulacak güçlü
Wednesday, 04 November 2009 / Published in Blog
Oracle Day 2009, 04.11.2009 TTGs’ Telecommunication presentation “NORTH-I, Performance Management and Oracle” Join us at Swiss Hotel-Istanbul, between 15:20-15:50.

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